
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

Survey on the future of UNESCO’s education sector
UNESCO is inviting education stakeholders to participate in a survey which will help them better understand the future directions for the organisation’s engagement in the education sector. If you have experience of engaging with UNESCO or have an opinion on the direction UNESCO’s education work should take, you can complete the survey in English, French … Continue reading Survey on the future of UNESCO’s education sector

INEE Guidance Note on Gender
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) has published the INEE Guidance Note on Gender. This document builds on the INEE Pocket Guide to Gender which was published almost 10 years ago. It shares current best practices and experience relating to gender and education in conflict and crisis, from a range of partners. The Guidance … Continue reading INEE Guidance Note on Gender

Short article on inclusive ECD
‘The case for inclusive education’ is an article by Dragana Sretenov (Open Society Foundations) and Nafisa Baboo (Light for the World), published in Early Childhood Matters 2019. The article highlights that their organisations are launching a new report, ‘Leaving No One Behind When Learning Starts’ which will draw attention to the current low levels of … Continue reading Short article on inclusive ECD

EENET’s inclusive ECE video project – progress update 3
We will be filming in two countries. The first confirmed country is Ukraine. We filmed there for our previous training video package (‘An Inclusive Day‘), and last year we worked with Ukrainian young people to carry out action research with kindergarten children. We are therefore delighted that we will be returning to Ukraine to document … Continue reading EENET’s inclusive ECE video project – progress update 3

World Bank Inclusive Education Initiative survey
World Bank’s Inclusive Education Initiative is inviting stakeholders involved in disability-inclusive education to participate in a survey about a community of practice for disability-inclusive education. The survey will take about 5 minutes. World Bank’s Inclusive Education Initiative is a Multi-Donor Trust Fund to invest in catalytic technical expertise and knowledge resources that support countries in … Continue reading World Bank Inclusive Education Initiative survey