This resource offers an alternative and engaging format for basic training to help teachers become more learner-centred and inclusive.
“An Inclusive Day: Building foundations for learner-centred, inclusive education” contains 10 short videos and manuals. The videos show some of ways in which learners can be included or excluded during the course of a typical school day. The training package can be used by trainers as part of a training course for teachers and other educators, or it can be used by individual teachers as a self-study video.
A brief introduction to this video resource is available in a PowerPoint presentation (7MB).
The videos and training manuals are available under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

The 10 videos and manuals
Watch the videos online and read the training manuals.
The videos on YouTube have subtitles in various languages.
Continue reading “The 10 videos and manuals”

Background to the project
Our video package aims to address a lack of practical and foundational inclusion training videos. Continue reading “Background to the project”

Creating our video resource
We took a low-cost approach to the filming. Continue reading “Creating our video resource”

Bundle downloads
The videos can be downloaded for offline viewing, and the subtitles and manuals can be downloaded in bundles. Continue reading “Bundle downloads”

Your stories
These are short case studies of how other trainers have used ‘An Inclusive Day’ training package. Continue reading “Your stories”