We have developed some guidance documents to help clients work more effectively with consultants.
Planning and managing a consultancy, and supervising consultants, is not always easy. Over the years we have built up a wealth of experience about what works best, and what hinders the effectiveness of consultancies. While every consultancy assignment is unique, there are various problems that occur often. We want to share our experiences to help organisations avoid these pitfalls, so they use their scarce resources as efficiently as possible whenever a project involves consultancy inputs. We also want to help ensure that working as a consultant is a positive, fulfilling and healthy experience.
We will add more guidance documents to this section in the coming year. Meanwhile, please also feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss ideas for improving the way your organisation plans and manages consultancies.

Working effectively with consultants
A 2-page summary of 10 key points to help you plan and manage an effective consultancy.

Feasible timelines and expectations for consultants
Some key calculations to help organisations work out how much time is required for common consultancy tasks.

Working accessibly with consultants
Working with diverse consultants is important. This guide suggests how to apply reasonable accommodation principles to consultancy assignments.