Our website contains over 800 items on a wide range of topics relating to inclusive education. It includes short articles, posters, training guides, detailed research reports and more.
If you have any problems finding materials on our website, or if you discover any broken links, please contact us.

Basic search
You can browse through one category at a time: theme, country, region, types of document, or author’s name. Continue reading “Basic search”

Advanced Search
You can do a cross-referenced search through multiple categories, choosing from theme, type of document, country and region. Continue reading “Advanced Search”

Video search
You can browse through dozens of videos on a wide range of inclusive education-related issues from around the world. Continue reading “Video search”

Translations quick list
Browse our quick reference list showing which documents from our database have been translated into other languages. Continue reading “Translations quick list”

World of resources
Use our interactive world map to find resources about inclusive education from over 100 countries.
Continue reading “World of resources”