We provide a range of consultancy services on inclusive education.
EENET carries out consultancies for non-governmental organisations, UN agencies and government departments. We work on large, long-term projects as well as small, short-term consultancy tasks. Our consultancies primarily focus on inclusive education and related issues within resource-poor contexts. For instance, we work on: inclusion in all levels of education from early years to adult learning; teacher professional development; education governance; and diversity issues such as disability, ethnicity, gender, language, sexuality, and more.

Discuss your consultancy needs
Get in touch with us to find out more about our services and how we can help you. Continue reading “Discuss your consultancy needs”

We provide a range of consultancy services on inclusive education. Continue reading “Services”

Advice for clients
We have developed some guidance documents to help clients work more effectively with consultants. Continue reading “Advice for clients”

Our consultants
EENET has a pool of freelance consultants based in countries around the world. Continue reading “Our consultants”