EENET is an information network and a consultancy service provider.
We focus on issues relating to quality, inclusive, enabling education, primarily in resource-poor contexts. Our information sharing activities are open to everyone, including: teachers, parents, students, non-governmental organisations, policy-makers, trainers, government officials, and more. We carry out consultancy work for government and non-government organisations.

Mailing lists
We send regular emails to subscribers about inclusive education publications, advocacy and fundraising campaigns, news, events and job vacancies.

Enabling Education Review
Each year we publish at least one edition of EER. It features articles from education stakeholders around the world, sharing experiences of making education more inclusive. Continue reading “Enabling Education Review”

Online resource collection
Our website contains over 800 items on a wide range of topics relating to inclusive education. It includes short articles, posters, training guides, detailed research reports and more. Continue reading “Online resource collection”

Distributing printed materials
We are committed to providing free printed materials for education stakeholders who have limited internet access. Continue reading “Distributing printed materials”

Advocacy and influencing
We work with other organisations to develop advocacy materials and share campaign messages about the right to quality, inclusive education for all. Continue reading “Advocacy and influencing”

We offer tailor-made consultancy services, including training, research and evaluations, for government and non-government clients. Continue reading “Consultancies”