[EER12] Call for articles on the theme of “knowledge, power, ownership”!

The 12th edition of Enabling Education Review for 2023 will encompass the theme of ‘knowledge, power and ownership’

Do you have interesting experiences or thoughts to share?

To find out more about submitting an article, please contact Dr. Su Lyn Corcoran (sucorcoran@eenet.org.uk) for more information.  Remember we can provide free writing and editing advice and support.

Deadline for submission of first drafts is 15 September 2023

**Deadline expired** [Webinar] OECD Q&A on evidence-informed education (now there’s an idea!) ~ 20 September 2023

An evidence-informed education: Empowering schools and policy institutions through a culture of research engagement

Date: 20 September

Time: 16:00 CET

Despite enormous effort and investment across OECD countries to reinforce the quality, production and use of education research, many countries and education systems struggle to use research systematically and at scale.

Join this Q&A webinar and discover the path to a research-engaged education!   Discuss with experts what a culture of research engagement should look like in education. Unpack the skills, resources and attitudes that are required to support it. And we’ll explore the role that relationships play in all of this.

[Policy] Don’t miss out – watch the side event from the 16th session of COSP on inclusive education!

If you’ve missed it, it is a must-see!

The side event at the 16th session of COSP on Inclusive Education: an imperative for advancing human rights and sustainable development – watch it now! 

The side event, held in June 2023, was a contribution to SDG 4 and to the follow-up to the UN Transforming Education Summit, which was convened by the UN Secretary-General in response to the global crisis in education – one of equity and inclusion, quality and relevance.  There is an urgent need to accelerate efforts and action to ensure that persons with physical, emotional, developmental and intellectual disabilities are not left behind.


[Podcast] The SDGs: A promise in peril

Only 12% of the Sustainable Development Goal targets are on track. Marginalised learners – including those with disabilities – are being left behind.

In this special episode, Liesbeth Roolvink talks on the podcast ‘ Goal 4′ about Sightsavers’ #promiseinperil campaign, and what we can all do today to get involved (hint: it takes about 3 seconds).

On Spotify. 
On Apple podcasts.
On Web player.

[Conference] #shiftthepowersummit Bogota ~ 5- 7 December 2023

Do you want to be part of a global conversation that puts communities in charge of their own development and that produces flourishing lives for all?

Do you believe that the current international funding system can and must be re-shaped to be more locally-owned and locally-led?

Do you want to be inspired by new ways of deciding and doing that are emerging around the world, that centre dignity, equity and trust – and that recognize the resources and inherent power of communities?

If so, join the summit in Bogotá from 5–7 December 2023!

Find out more on the Shift the Power website.

[Report] World Bank study looks into inclusive education approaches

The World Bank funded study and report ‘Approaches to Deliver Inclusive Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia‘ presents a review of different approaches in service delivery being implemented in the regions of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to ensure the inclusion of children with disabilities in education.

The review examines in what ways (and the extent to which) different approaches have been operationalized and contextualized to enable the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream education systems, focusing specifically on primary schooling.




[UK Advocacy] GPE youth leaders host an episode of Raise Your Hand Live!

In July GPE youth leaders continue to show their dedication to education funding remaining a priority around the world.

Youth leader Asimawu (Ghana) hosted an episode of Raise Your Hand Live! featuring Alicia Herbert OBE (UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office) and Dr. Maliha Khan (Women Deliver); Marina (Japan) spoke at the Japan Educational Forum; Motunrayo (Nigeria), Seme (South Sudan), María José (Guatemala), Ayesha (Bangladesh)

You can also read the youth-led open letter to UK political parties calling for a commitment to ‘protect, prioritize and increase funding to education globally’.

[Report] New translations from the JEiE Special Issue on education in pandemics

Check out the new translated articles below:

In Arabic:

نموذج صندوق الرمل: منهج جديد نحو التكرار أثناء تنفيذ برنامج للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ في لبنان أثناء جائحة كوفيد-

The Sandbox Model: A Novel Approach to Iterating while Implementing an Emergency Education Program in Lebanon during the COVID-19 Pandemic

and in Spanish@:

Mejorar la salud socioemocional: Ampliación del bienestar de docentes y estudiantes durante la crisis del COVID-19 en Honduras

Improving Social-Emotional Health: Expansion of Teacher and Student Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Crisis in Honduras.


[Conference] The inclusive lifelong learning conference calls for better learning ecosystems

The Inclusive Lifelong Learning conference drew to a close in July 2023 and participants overwhelmingly called for the promotion of inclusive lifelong learning ecosystems that effectively cater to the needs of all learners, especially vulnerable and marginalized individuals and communities.

Through the Bali Manifesto, the conference’s outcome document, they called for the implementation of comprehensive lifelong learning policies, and the creation of inclusive learning spaces, curricula, learning pathways and learning materials. They emphasized the importance of increased public investment in lifelong learning.

Read more about the conference and manifesto on the website.

[Advocacy] Join the #ImALifelongLearner campaign!

Show the world that you believe in the transformative power of learning. Join the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) campaign and tell everyone why you are a lifelong learner.

By supporting UIL’s campaign, you are endorsing the view that the #RightToEducation pertains to all ages. Support the paradigm shift in learning and education systems to ensure people of all ages, from all backgrounds, can access the knowledge they need to lead decent lives and promote sustainable development.

How to get involved:

  • Upload a photo of yourself on the campaign platform and add a sentence explaining why you are a lifelong learner;
  • Use the ‘share’ function on the platform to share your photo and statement on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook, using the hashtag #ImALifelongLearner;
  • Tag people in your network who support lifelong learning for all so they, too, can join the movement.