This is a selection of information and resources most relevant for EENET’s readers.
An overwhelming amount of information on Covid-19 is rapidly becoming available. We are reviewing as much of it as we can. We will provide a relatively small selection of documents and links to other sources – on topics relating to appropriate and inclusive learning within the context of the global pandemic – that we feel will be useful to EENET’s readers in low- and middle-income countries.
If you know of a resource that you think is relevant to our readers, please contact us with details.

Research & articles
Useful and thought-provoking reading on the challenges of providing appropriate inclusive learning during and after the Covid-19 crisis.

Practical advice and recommendations on supporting appropriate inclusive learning outside the formal school system, and addressing the challenges of returning to school.

Online events
Webinars and meetings relevant to inclusive learning during and after the Covid-19 crisis.

EENET’s projects
Information about our specific Covid-19 related projects and alterations to existing projects.