[Report] Resilience and ingenuity: young Ukrainians’ experiences of emergency education

February 24, 2023 marks the one-year anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Amid widespread destruction and loss of life, schools and education have been severely damaged.  More than five million children inside and outside the country have had their education disrupted.

Theirworld investigated how Ukrainian children and youths have responded to the immense disruption to their lives and their education, and what their experiences reveal about education in emergencies more broadly.

Interviews for this qualitative report were carried out with mothers, school children and university students in Ukraine, the Netherlands and the UK by the OPORA Foundation, which is based in the Netherlands and provides evidence-based policy, research and operational solutions for and regarding displaced people.

An accessible Word version of the report is also available.

[Policy] Comprehensive sexuality education country profiles – fostering peer learning through data

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality. It aims to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will empower them to: realise their health, well-being and dignity; develop respectful social and sexual relationships; consider how their choices affect their own well-being and that of others; and, understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives (UNESCO et al., 2018).

Monitoring is key to a better understanding of the gaps in CSE and to building capacity. To address the need for additional data on CSE, the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, in partnership with UNESCO’s Section of Health and Education, has developed country profiles on CSE.

The profiles provide a comparative perspective of the progress countries are making in relation to CSE.  Each country profile covers five main areas: context; terminology; laws and policies; governance; and monitoring and evaluation.

Fifty country profiles are available to date.

[Position paper] Special Olympics: Global state of inclusion in education

In a call to action, Special Olympics is challenging governments around the world to demonstrate their stated commitments to inclusive education policies by allocating three percent of their education funding to high-quality, evidence-based inclusionary practices that fully integrate students with learning disabilities into school communities.

People with learning disabilities represent three percent of the population. Allocating three percent of education budgets to develop programmes that foster social inclusion is an indisputably fair starting point for governments to ensure their inclusive policies are translated to practices that create truly inclusive school communities.

In their 2023 brief “Global State of Inclusion in Education”, they advocate to expand educators’ and policymakers’ understanding of how the vision of international inclusive education is falling short of including all learners, no matter their identity, background, or ability.

[Online community] GPE blog series on the importance of school nutrition programmes

The Global Partnership for Education has written a blog series on the role of school meals in improving access to education and learning.  In this series, experts present their views on how school nutrition programs contribute to improve students’ well-being and ability to fulfill their learning potential.

With countries seeking effective solutions to protect and invest in the future of their children, school health and nutrition programs are one of the smartest investments they can make.  Healthy and happy children learn better and are more likely to lead healthy and fulfilling lives, whereas poor nutrition leads to both physical and cognitive developmental delays.

This series of blogs features experts and practitioners’ views about the importance of school meals to improve children’s learning.

[Conference] ICEDS event on education development and studies ~ 17-19 March 2023

Date: 17-19 March 2023.

The 4th International (virtual) Conference on Education Development and Studies (ICEDS 2023) is dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of education.

The ICEDS promotes collaboration between academicians and professionals from education, aiming to build strong networks of leading researchers and pioneers in education worldwide. Furthermore, ICEDS provides an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various educational fields with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research and the evolution of pedagogy.

All the researchers, students, scholars and professionals in the related fields are welcome to attend the conferehttps://iceds.org/nce. Please see the website for more information. 

[Global community] Earthquake in Syria and Turkey

EENET stands in solidarity with communities devastated by the earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

As the death toll rises beyond 21,000 with tens of thousands injured after a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Turkey and Syria on 06 February 2023, EENET extends our deepest condolences to the families of the victims of the devastating earthquake in southern Turkey and northern Syria, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured, and safety and recovery for those affected.

Schools, hospitals and other medical and educational facilities have been damaged or destroyed by the quakes, further impacting children.

Children in Syria continue to face one of the most complex humanitarian situations in the world. A worsening economic crisis, continued localized hostilities after more than a decade of grinding conflict, mass displacement and devastated public infrastructure have left two-thirds of the population in need of assistance.

Our hearts and thoughts are with the children and families affected, especially those who have lost loved ones or who have been injured.

See the UN news website to keep up to date on the emergency.

[Advocacy] Campaign to defy gender stereotypes on #WomenInScience Day

The theme for the 2023 International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February) is “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Water Unites Us.”


[Webinar] Middle tier leaders in education

Dates: 21 and 23 February 2023.

The UNESCO International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP) and Education Development Trust (EDT) will examine two central questions in this 2-part webinar series: how can instructional leaders positioned at the middle tier of education systems improve teaching and learning? What does it take for instructional leaders at the middle tier to be successful?

Celebrating the launch of a new research report from IIEP and EDT, Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier, the webinars will explore the role of a critical but too often neglected set of actors: those working at the ‘middle’ of education systems, such as district education officers, network facilitators, supervisors or teacher mentors. Together, these actors can contribute to improve the quality of education, by acting as mediators of new policies to the frontline and instructional leaders who work across schools to support the improvement of teaching and learning.

  • Part 1: Lessons learned: How can the middle tier improve teaching and learning?
  • Date: 21st February 2023
  • Time: 9:30 – 11:00 GMT

Register for Part 1

  • Part 2: From policy to implementation: What does it take for instructional leaders at the middle tier to be successful?
  • Date: 23 February 2023
  • Time: 13:30 – 15:00 GMT

Register for Part 2


[Competition] World Bank and Financial Times Youth Blog competition 2023

Deadline: 1 April 2023.

Three years after the arrival of COVID-19, educators and governments are still grappling with the pandemic’s aftermath. They are working to make up the crucial time lost during COVID-related closures, to position students for successful lives.

The future doesn’t have to be dark. There’s still time to recover learning losses and put a generation of students on track to thrive in the jobs of the future.

The World Bank and Financial Times invite 16-19 year old’s to enter their 5th annual blog writing competition.  This year’s entries must focus on experiences with post-COVID education and ideas for the way forward.

How is your country’s education system recovering from learning losses of the COVID-19 pandemic, and what more can it do to prepare young people for the jobs of the future?

  • Participants must be enrolled in high school or a version of secondary education and should be between the ages of 16-19 years at the time of submission.
  • Entries can be submitted in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
  • The winning entries will be published in English.
  • There is no fee payable to enter the competition.

Deadline: 01 April 2023

Good luck!

[Webinar] Education Cannot Wait – High-Level Financing Conference

Date: 16-17 February 2023.

INEE invites participants to virtually participate in Education Cannot Wait’s upcoming High-Level Financing Conference (#HLFC2023), taking place in Geneva on 16-17 February. The Conference is co-hosted by Switzerland and Education Cannot Wait, and co-convened by Colombia, Germany, Niger, Norway and South Sudan.

ECW’s #HLFC2023 features world leaders and education experts discussing a diverse range of education in emergencies and protracted crises issues. Plenary sessions and discussion panels will be live-streamed on the HLFC web platform.  HLFC will be accessible in English, Arabic, French, Spanish and sign language.

Read the full agenda.

Register for the event.