Choosing suitable trainers is vital for longer-term success and sustainability.

The success of the Inclusive Learning Approach (inclusive teaching component) depends a lot on having a group of committed and competent principal trainers whose capacity to work independently and innovatively grows as the project progresses.

To start with, we carefully select the people who will be principal trainers, because we know that no training programme can succeed unless the right people are facilitating the training. We select and develop a cadre of inclusive education principal trainers who already have some relevant interest, experience and skills, and who already have some responsibility for training, advising or managing teachers. For instance, principal trainers might be head teachers, advisers from teacher resource centres, district education officers, staff from teacher training colleges, and so on. It is important that the principal trainers can embed inclusive education training responsibilities into their job descriptions and workplans.

Further reading

Briefing paper: ‘Innovation in Inclusive Education Teacher Training. Sharing our Experiences’ (2019.) This paper (available in PDF and Word) answers a lot of frequently asked questions about the training approach, including the selection of principle trainers.

Learn about other parts of the process.

This project is a collaboration between NAD and EENET.

   Inclusive Learning Approach logo   A logo showing three figures holding hands above the word EENET. The figures are in different shades of blue.