Observers help to monitor and improve the training.

Observers are relevant stakeholders in the education system (e.g. school inspectors, co-ordinators of teacher resource centres, district education office staff). They receive introductory training on inclusive education and participate in the action research training received by principal trainers. The observers also work with the external facilitator to develop observation checklists and practise their observation techniques.

The observers help to improve the teacher training by offering a critical yet constructive perspective and suggestions for improvements. The observers do not act as inspectors; they do not grade or assess teachers. They visit schools to see what is happening in classes and around the school; meet with teachers and head teachers; document changes; and feed back to the external facilitator and trainers to help create improvements in the training.

Further reading

Briefing paper: ‘Innovation in Inclusive Education Teacher Training. Sharing our Experiences’ (2019.) This paper (available in PDF and Word) answers a lot of frequently asked questions about the training approach, including about observers.

Learn about other parts of the process.



This project is a collaboration between NAD and EENET.

NAD logo Inclusive Learning Approach logoA logo showing three figures holding hands above the word EENET. The figures are in different shades of blue.