[Conference] UKFIET 2025 – seeking theme convenors

The UKFIET Conference, September 2025, will be organised around a number of themes, representing different aspects of the overall conference theme “Mobilising knowledge, partnerships, and innovations for sustainable development through education and training”.

Each of these themes will be led by 2 co-convenors drawn from different organisations to facilitate critical dialogue across constituencies – research, policy, practice, etc.

If you are interested in being a theme convenor, find out more.

Deadline 30 September 2024.

TiCC Event Series Launch at the GPE Global Education Summit

Date: 22nd July 2021.

Time: 3pm UTC (Dakar).

Register online.

This TiCC (Teachers in Crisis Contexts) event will include teachers, which have relevant experiences working in areas of crisis, getting involved; EiE (Education in Emergencies) actors sharing their practices and recent research on quality professional development; and collective discussions on how to work together to strengthen support to teachers where it is needed most.

More information.

Education and Safety: Listening to what ‘Build Back Better’ means for girls

Date: Monday 26 July 2021.

Time: 1.30 to 2:45pm London.

Register online.

This Global Education Summit side event from Girls Not Brides is an interactive Youth Panel, and will include dialogue with girls’ champions to further talk about the topic of child marriage and girls’ education.

In partnership with World Vision.

This side event will be in English, and there will be French and Spanish interpretations available.

Launch of JEiE Special Issue on ECD in Emergencies

Date: 23 June 2021.

Time: 9-10:30am EDT.

Register online.

This virtual event focuses on early childhood development (ECD) in emergencies and will feature contributing authors, issue editors, and guest speakers drawing attention to the efforts that address the needs of young children and families living in humanitarian situations. Lessons learnt from these efforts will also be shared. The articles that will be featured look at ECD in a range of different ways: education, health and nutrition, child protection, mental health and psychosocial support, and response caregiving.

This webinar will be hosted in English and have English live captions.

Speakers (main panel):

  • Jonathan Seiden, PhD student at Harvard Graduate School of Education, presenting “Effects of Two Early Childhood Interventions on the Developmental Outcomes of Children in Post-Earthquake Nepal”.
  • Fabiola Lara, Senior Specialist on Early Childhood Care and Development at Save the Children, presenting “Building Resilience and Mitigating the Impact of Toxic Stress in Young Children: A Model for Transforming Parenting and Male Caregiving in El Salvador”.
  • Ayat Al Aqra, Early Childhood Development Manager for the Ahlan Simsim program in Jordan, and Katelin Swing Wilton, Senior Specialist in Early Childhood Development at International Rescue Committee, co-presenting “Home Visiting in the Middle East: Reflections on the Implementation of Reach Up and Learn”.
  • Samier Mansur, co-founder of LiveSafe mobile safety app and founder of No Limit Generation, presenting, “Accessible Strategies to Support Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing in Emergencies: Experience from the Rohingya Refugee Camp”.

*NEW* EENET’s inclusive home learning project

We recently launched a new project – in partnership with Norwegian Association of Disabled – to develop some short guidance resources for parents, caregivers and families, especially those with children with disabilities.

The focus is on encouraging appropriate, achievable, low-stress learning activities that use the time, skills and resources available in the family. We will be prioritising the production of hard-copy materials and working closely with local distributors in Zambia and Zanzibar to create localised solutions to the challenge of disseminating materials during a period of social distancing.

All materials will be freely available online too in PDF format.

Find out more about the inclusive home learning project.

(ملصق: الانتقال التعليمي الجامع (الدامج

قد تشكل مرحلة الانتقال التعليمي الكثير من التحديات للمعلمين والآباء. نقصد بالانتقال التعليمي هو انتقال المتعلم بين حلقات التعليم أو لفصل دراسي أو الي مدرسة جديدة. في حال غياب التدخلات المبكرة قد تسبب هذه التحديات في تسرب العديد من المتعلمين.

صممت شبكة تمكين التعليم الملصق التالي لتسليط الضوء على بعض التحديات التي تواجه المتعلمين اثناء الانتقال التعليمي وكذلك نقترح ما يمكن القيام به لضمان انتقال تعليمي ميسر وسهل للمتعلمين.

تم إصدار هذا الملصق من السياق التعليمي في ارمينيا. ولكن يمكن للتحديات واقتراحات الحلول ان يتم يمكن تبنيها في سياقات تعليمية مختلفة.

يتوفر الملصق (البوستر) بشكل مطبوع وبجودة عالية. نسعد بالإرسال عدد من هذا الملصق لمؤسساتكم التعلمية.

الرجاء التواصل معنا على البريد التالي arabic@eenet.org.uk  في حال الرغبة للحصول على نسخ مطبوعة من الملصق