This article has been published in Enabling Education Review 6
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Useful publications

Background on Street-connected young people

The State of the World’s Street Children are a series of reports commissioned by the Consortium for Street Children to promote a better understanding of street-connected children’s lives and civil society initiatives to support them. There are currently two volumes in the series:

Advocacy and Guidance

A Passport to Participatory Planning: a resource pack to bring street-connected children’s voices into NGO planning, monitoring and evaluation. Produced by The Consortium for Street Children, Street Invest, Children Unite and AVIVA, this resource pack gives practical advice to NGOs working with street-connected children.

Nothing About us Without Us
This toolkit aims to support organisations in their work with adolescent street-connected girls.

Guidelines On Children’s Reintegration
This publication by the Inter-agency group on children’s reintegration (2016) builds upon evidence developed through extensive desk-based research exploring good practice in the reintegration of separated children in emergencies, former child soldiers, street children, institutionalised children, migrant children, and children who have been trafficked. It provides a framework for anyone seeking to ensure family care for children, offering a valuable tool for policy makers, program designers, and practitioners.

Research and Guidance

Practice Handbook: Methodology for delivering and practising non-formal education in Tanzania. This handbook from Mkombozi is designed for use by educators working with street-connected children and can be adapted for use in formal and non-formal education settings.

The journey of out-of-school girls in Ethiopia: examining migration, livelihoods, and HIV.
Written by Annabel Erulkar, Grimay Medhim and Lemi Negeri, this study highlights the situation for out-of-school girls in six regions of Ethiopia.

Global research study on the promotion and protection of the rights of children working and/or living on the street. This report analyses the circumstances of children working and/or living on the and makes a number of recommendations to States for developing or strengthening comprehensive child protection systems.

Young People’s Experiences of Independent Living Programmes in Ethiopia. Published by Retrak (2017) this research focuses on the experiences of older children who have spent an extensive amount of time living on the streets as they transition into supported independent living situations.

Youth homelessness in Canada: Implications for policy and practice. Written by Stephen Gaetz, Bill O’Grady, Kristy Buccieri, Jeff Karabanow and Allyson Marsolais, et al. this volume aims to highlight the best of Canadian research on youth homelessness related to pathways in an out of homelessness, housing, health, mental health and addictions, employment, education and training, legal and justice issues and diversity and subpopulations.

Breaking the cycle of violence: building a future for the most excluded. Developed by the Safe Families Safe Children Coalition, this report aims to promote thinking and discussion around critical issues of how to achieve inclusion for highly excluded children and solve intergenerational transmission of family violence.

A Participatory Assessment of Street to school programmes: Global Report. Written by Sarah Thomas de Benitez (2013), this report explains the findings, process and recommendations of an international study into young people’s perceptions of the services they receive as part of four Street to School programmes supported by AVIVA partners in Canada, India and Italy.