This article has been published in Enabling Education 8
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UNESCO’s Useful Publications

Available to Download

Conceptual paper: ‘Overcoming Exclusion through Inclusive Approaches in Education: A challenge and a vision’
This is an important policy document for UNESCO on inclusive education. It has recently been translated into the six official languages of UNESCO. Together with the Brochure on the Open File, also available in six languages, it will provide a good background to the basic ideas and philosophy behind the concept of inclusion in education. It will be available to download from UNESCO’s website soon.

Curriculum Differentiation Material
The materials aim at, on a practical level, assisting countries in implementing inclusive education policies in their schools. The document will be available to download from UNESCO’s website in August 2004.

The Open File on Inclusive Education: Support Materials for Managers and Administrators
This resource addresses assessment, professional development, the role of families and communities, and the development of an inclusive curriculum.

Inclusive Schools and Community Support Programmes (Phase 1 1996-1997 and Phase 2 1998-2001)
This UNESCO project was a follow-up to the Salamanca conference in 1994. More than 20 different countries were involved and provided a number of examples on how inclusive education can become an important part of the EFA movement. External evaluators are presently evaluating the project and the final report will be ready this year (2004).

Understanding and Responding to Children’s Needs in Inclusive Classrooms: A Guide for Teachers (2001)
This guide provides practical information about teaching children with particular difficulties in learning.

Salamanca – Five Years On (1999)
This provides a review of international developments in moving towards more inclusive education systems and UNESCO’s contribution to this development.

Not available to download

Special Needs in the Classroom: A Teacher Education Resource Pack (1993)
This pack provides materials and processes that can be used in the context of teacher education programmes. It has been used in over 80 countries. It has recently been revised.
Available from UNESCO Publishing.

The following three resources are available from: Division of Basic Education, Primary Education Section, UNESCO. Email:

Inclusion in Education: The participation of disabled learners: A thematic study (2001)
James Lynch
This study reviews developments in the theory, policy and practice of inclusive education since the World Conference on Education for All (1990) and incorporates commissioned and collected material as well as texts produced for the World Education Forum.

Poverty Eradication through Education: Breaking the cycle of poverty for children
Ministry of Education, Uganda, 2003
This publication arose out of an international workshop held in Uganda in 2002 entitled, ‘Creating an enabling environment for poverty eradication’.

Towards Inclusive Practices in Secondary Education (2003)
This book features examples from Chile, Hungary, Nepal, South Africa, Ukraine and the USA.

To obtain documents listed here (unless otherwise stated) please see UNESCO’s website or contact:

Inclusive Education
7 Place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris SP 07