This article has been published in Enabling Education 12
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Useful publications

Education’s Missing Millions: Including disabled children in education through EFA FTI processes and national sector plans.
World Vision, 2007
This report details the findings of a study to assess how the Education for All Fast Track Initiative Partnership is tackling the challenges of disability and inclusion in education.
Available from:
Philippa Lei
Senior Child Rights Policy Adviser
World Vision UK
World Vision House
Opal Drive
Fox Milne
Milton Keynes MK15 0ZR, UK
French translation available on EENET’s website:

Family Friendly: Working with deaf children and their communities worldwide
Deaf Child Worldwide, 2008
This book aims to raise awareness of the role of parents and families in the lives of deaf children. It provides examples of families, service providers and deaf people working together. The book takes an action research approach and contains case studies and practical guidance.
Available from:
Deaf Child Worldwide
15 Dufferin Street
Tel: +44 (0)20 7549 0454
Fax: +44 (0)20 7251 5020

Inclusion in Action DVD
ZAPDD and MoEVT, with NFU/Atlas Alliance, 2008
This 95-minute DVD with workbook documents inclusive education experiences in Zanzibar. It can be used for awareness-raising and as a practical training tool.
Available from EENET.

Inclusive Education: Where there are few resources
Atlas Alliance, (updated 2008)
This revised edition of the book first published in 2002, looks at inclusive education concepts and strategies in resource-poor contexts. It has been updated to present a wider perspective on inclusive education – looking beyond the school and beyond disability issues. It also contains a new selection of case studies.
Available from EENET and from:
The Atlas Alliance
Schweigaardsgt 12
PO Box 9218 Grønland
0134 Oslo, Norway
Fax: + 47 23 16 35 95

Making Schools Inclusive: How change can happen. Save the Children’s experience
Save the Children, 2008
Case studies from 13 countries illustrate inclusive education approaches that: target specific groups of vulnerable children; build inclusive school communities; promote change throughout an education system; and address financial barriers to inclusive education. It aims to inspire others, by showing what can be achieved. It also highlights important lessons learned from the challenges that Save the Children has faced in different situations.
A limited number of printed or CD copies are available from EENET.
Download PDF version from

Teachers for All – with a focus on learners with disabilities
This website is an interactive teacher training tool featuring text, video and audio files about the practicalities of inclusive education from a disability perspective. It is a joint project with universities, teacher training colleges and ministries in Kenya, Norway and Uganda.

Young Voices: Young people’s views of inclusive education
Åse Driveness and Ingrid Lewis/Atlas Alliance, 2008
This resource consists of a short DVD and a booklet. The booklet contains photographs taken by disabled and non-disabled students in Tanzania and Uganda. The students use the images to explain their views of education – what makes them feel included or excluded. The DVD shows some of the students discussing their views of education and engaging in their daily activities at school.
Available from EENET after October 2008.