EENET’s Theory of Change

EENET’s overall desired change:
More girls, boys, women and men actively participate in quality inclusive education and learning opportunities throughout their lives.

Collaborate: We want more education stakeholders to collaboratively design, implement, reflect on and document inclusive education initiatives.

Exchange: We want more education stakeholders to benefit from creating, accessing and sharing relevant resources that nurture critical thinking and innovation around inclusive education.

Influence: We want more education stakeholders to advocate effectively for relevant policy, programme and/or practice changes towards quality inclusive education.

EENET’s work:
Enabling Education Review: Our annual publication features easy-to-read short articles from education practitioners and stakeholders.

Website: Contains over 800 articles, reports, posters and video resources from more than 100 countries.

Hard copy distribution: We still prioritise distribution of inclusive education materials in printed format, for readers who are not able to access the internet.

Consultancy services: Consultants from many different countries help government and non-government clients with research, evaluations, training programmes, technical advice and advocacy campaigns.

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