Education in times of crisis: Effective approaches to distance learning. A review of research evidence on supporting all students’ learning, wellbeing and engagement
Chartered College of Teaching
This UK report gives advice on distance learning, especially for students with disabilities, special educational needs, or other challenges.
Quick Guide: Towards Disability Inclusive Education
Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development
This guide gives a quick oversight of what inclusive education is and what steps you can take to make education programmes more inclusive, taking into account the COVID-19 pandemic.
Community Help for Inclusive Learning and Development (CHILD)
World Vision, CARE, and The Open University
This is a study of how mobile phones, WhatsApp and community volunteers were used to support children’s learning during COVID-19 school closures in Zimbabwe.
A disability-inclusive response to COVID-19: Four lessons learned about including people with disabilities in humanitarian aid
This paper summarises what the Inclusive Futures project learned from delivering a disability-inclusive programme responding to COVID-19.
Learning Renewed: Ten lessons from the pandemic
Education Development Trust
This summary is drawn from a review of global evidence and policy around COVID-19 school closure. It has useful ideas on how schools and school systems can support children’s learning after reopening.
Schooling without Learning: Implications of Learning Profiles for the Global Learning Crisis (open access special issue)
International Journal of Educational Development
Twelve journal papers explore the use of data to address the learning crisis in over 50 low- and middle-income countries. The papers discuss how to develop profiles of children’s learning progression and use these in improving early foundational learning.
The Corona Chronicles
University of Huddersfield, UK
Researchers developed a project to help UK primary school children visually record life during the coronavirus pandemic, and what supported their wellbeing. A set of seven digital animations were created by and for children, combining stop-start animation, cartoons, line drawings, collage and photographs.
Hanging On. A Special Educator’s Journey into Inclusive Education

by Kanwal Singh
This short book is fun, easy to read, and packed with helpful illustrations. It offers a reflective, self-critical, and clearly explained review of the changes needed to move from special to inclusive education – from the perspective of an educator who has been on this journey.
You can order copies from Amazon India for 299INR (approx. $4USD) plus postage. Visit:
If you are not able to buy online, contact EENET and we can help you get a copy.